3rd March 2022, 9:30 - 11:30
HelpForUkraine: Down-to-Earth
More information for companies dealing as well with economic implications can be found on our dedicated website.
Given the current war in the Ukraine, we are all extremely concerned. Together with the #PartnersForSustainability, we have decided to call off the original topic of the conference German Czech Economic Forum: Sustainability Down-to Earth, for there is now a more pressing issue.
Instead, we will offer a forum \. This forum will take place at the same time, with the same link, but exclusively online. The focus will be on how companies can support the people of Ukraine here and there with specific examples of company assistance and an outline of its possibilities.
The money originally planned for the costly technical support of the hybrid event will be spent on a specific project to help people affected by the war in Ukraine. We expect that we will at least hold the workshops, which have been prepared with great effort, at a later date.
You can still look forward to the presence of Saxon state Minister for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture @Wolfram Günther, Deputy Minister of the Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic @René Neděla and other great guests.
Useful links
Czech Psychology Network for Global Changes
Naši Ukrajinci – rozcestník pomoci (nasiukrajinci.cz)
9:30 Opening: Christian Rühmkorf & Martina Jakl
9:35 Opening speach
- Bernard Bauer, DTIHK
- Wolfram Günther, Minister for Energy, Saxony
- Rene Neděla, Deputy Minister Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
9:45 Initiatives and concrete actions
- Czech Bar Association, Kamil Blažek
- Stojíme za Ukrajinou, Martina Hábová | with a presentation of what the platform can do, what is most needed right now and how companies can get involved, including questions and answers
- AHK Services, René Harun
- Vodafone, Viktorie Tenzarová
- Škoda Auto, Tomáš Čáp
- Borgers, Marta Párová
- Schunk, Michal Zahrádka
- Aimtec, Marie Mundilová
- Czech Psychology Alliance for Global Changes, Miroslav Světlák
- E.ON, Tomáš Brych
- E.15, Jan Novotný
11:15 End
Opening Address
Wolfram Günther, Saxon State Minister for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture
Bernard Bauer, Executive Member of the Board, DTIHK
René Neděla, Deputy Minister for Energy, Ministry of the Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic