We cordially invite you to the German-Czech Economic Forum "Driving Sustainability", organized by #PartnersForSustainability and DTIHK. It's all about experts and know-how, best practices and networking. Find out how international companies from eight different industries approach the issue of sustainability in practice, and what support they also demand from politics in order to be able to achieve their ambitious goals. Join Now!

Date: 10 February 2021

14:00 - 14:30: Press conference: Presentation of Common Memorandum “Driving Sustainability”


Presenter: Christian Rühmkorf, DTIHK

15:00 Opening address 

  • Jörg Mathew, President of the DTIHK

  • Bernard Bauer, Excutive board member, DTIHK

15:05 Greetings

  • Karel Havlíček, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Industry and Trade, Minister of Transport

  • Marco Wanderwitz,  Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and Federal Government Commissioner for the new federal states.

  • Dr. Christoph Israng, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

15:20 Talk & Interview

Green Deal, Just Transition, Green Recovery, Next Generation EU…

Insight Brussels: Balancing Act between Political Aspirations and Economic Reality
Dr. Hans-Peter Siebenhaar, European Correspondent in Brussels, Handelsblatt

"What challenges will (Czech) business face?"

15:40 Panel discussion 

"What limits business from more sustainability"

  • Vladislav Smrž,  Deputy Minister of Policy and International Relations, Ministry of the Environment

  • Prof. Dr. Frank Ebinger, Nuremberg Campus of Technology

  • Soňa Jonášová, Institute for Circular Economy (INCIEN)

  • Martin Záklasník, Chairman of the board, E.ON CZ, member of the board at DTIHK

(short break)

16:20 Presentation of BEST PRACTICES by #PartnersForSustainability 
16:50 Release of COMMON MEMORANDUM by #PartnersForSustainability
17:05 Networking

*schedule might still be adjusted slightly


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Start: 3PM     End: 5PM

Platform: All registered will recieve an email few days before the conference with adtional information and link to connect (please, bare in mind that the link is unique to each participant, therefore, if you register more people or someone else, you will have to fill-in their emails as well) 
Language: English
Attendance fee: 
- All #PartnersForSustainability and DTIHK members: FREE
- Non-members of DTIHK: 450,- CZK + 21 % VAT/parson
Registration deadline : 9 February 2021


If you want to register more than 10 people, please, write us an email.
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